The Many Captivities of Esther Wheelwright TONIGHT in South Berwick, Maine!

Yale University Press. 2016

Yale University Press. 2016

Friends, if you’re in New England anywhere near the Piscataqua River, come out and see me talk about my book, The Many Captivities of Esther Wheelwright*at the Berwick Academy as a guest of the Old Berwick Historical Society’s Forgotten Frontier lecture series this winter and spring.  Last night, I was a guest of Bowdoin College where I also gave a talk about my book–the audience there will be hard to beat.  They were so attentive and asked so many questions that they kept me more than an hour AFTER my 40-minute talk with their questions and responses.  Whew!  And thank you!

Truly, it’s an honor to return to Maine, to the Eastward, to talk about one of their most impressive daughters.

*You know what?  I just noticed that I have two Amazon reviews!  Both 5 stars!  If you’ve read the book, would you go ahead and leave a brief review?  (Especially if you liked the book?)

4 thoughts on “The Many Captivities of Esther Wheelwright TONIGHT in South Berwick, Maine!

  1. I’m just south of New England as defined by the 1607 Plymouth Company charter, but over far too many rivers and through far too many western woods to make it that far to the eastward by nightfall. But I’ll be looking forward to hearing about how both sessions went. I’ll be using the book again this semester for a special, late-breaking gradeable assignment. I’ve already been laying breadcrumbs through the forest of lectures in preparation for this event.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Indyanna! The talk went really well. I think there were like 125-150 people there, but no word yet on the official count. It was in an impressive theater on the Berwick Academy campus.


      • Thanks to you too, Ann. And thanks for (and to) railcar-resembling, cash-only, woman-welcoming diners, and proud fathers everywhere! Have a safe trip back home, and godspeed to your third book!


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