Drunk History, vol. 3: women's history edition

We’re in the darkest days of the year, when we all need extra artificial light and extra alcohol content in our beer and extra fat in our diet to make it through the night.  (At least, that’s what’s for dinner here–beer, chips, and guacamole.)  Since we’ve been debating some heavy topics lately like displays of sexual dominance, hostile work environments, and public boob grabs, I thought many of you might appreciate this very special women’s history episode of “Drunk History.”  At the very least, it’s something to entertain you while you hide out until the solstice.  Not safe for work or the kiddies!  (Unless your workplace and family are all about the f-word, that is.  We at Historiann HQ don’t work blue.)  H/t Bing McGandhi at Happy Jihad’s House of Pancakes for alerting me to the possibilities of ethyl-fueled historical narratives.  (As if that’s not what dinner parties at my house look like already!)

0 thoughts on “Drunk History, vol. 3: women's history edition

  1. Oh. My. God. That was the most hysterical thing I’ve seen in a while.

    It actually made me temporarily forget my feminist rage, even if just for a minute (the rage directed at Favreau and a misogynist in my department who’s pissing me off). Thanks for sharing the link!


  2. That was great. Looks from the sidebar like they got a whole hiccup’in franchise there. I can’t watch any more of them, though, or I’ll miss a thesis defense tomorrow. Don’t expect it to be as enlightening as this episode, though.


  3. Happy Birthday to Historiann.com, by the way. I was just glancing over to the Monthly archive listing on the left sidebar and it looks like the blog is very close to a year old this week. (I think I came around in January). A notably memorable part of *my* 2008, to be sure.



  4. Thanks Indyanna and K.N.–we miss you at our Historiann HQ dinner table too! I’m glad you all enjoyed the video.

    I considered showing it to my women’s history students in class just for fun, but I thought there were too many F-bombs. Am I a prude, or merely prudent?


  5. The F-bombs would make me keep it out of classes, too, not out of prudishness, but because why reinforce the already-strong parts of their vocabularies while contributing to the well-documente coarsening of the culture? That said, it was an Eff-ing riot. But why was it credited as “featuring Danny McBride,” when “Jen Kirkman” carried the eff-ing thing from endzone to end-zone? I mean, his pantomimes got better from scene to scene, but subtract her nuanced narrative and the clip maybe lands on the cutting room floor in Mountain View.

    Best line: “she knew the address… hiccup… because she used to LIVE there…”


  6. Hey ladies,
    This is Jen – the narrator from Drunk History. I thought you would find it interesting that I have received death threats, mean emails and countless comments directed at me being a woman, stupid, ugly, “this is what happens when bitches drink” etc. etc. for this episode.

    My other male friends who narrated the other ones have received almost NO negative feedback – except for the occassional person who asks them, “Were you REALLY drunk?”

    My comments are strictly to do with gender and young boys seem angry that when I got drunk – I got mad about slavery. I’ve had my patriotism questioned, and lots of boys write to me about how my facts are wrong – when many of the facts are spot on and I had a document in front of me that I was referring to.

    I find it very interesting that the subtle sexism’s in our culture run RAMPANT on the internet and are very disappointing. I don’t think feminism is being addressed AT ALL to these younger boys in whatever school they go to.

    -Jen K.


  7. Jen, I don’t know if you’re going to check in again, but this is appalling, if not entirely surprising. The more I’m on-line, the more I see the same gender dynamics playing out here as in real life.

    I thought your “Drunk History” was the funniest of all of them by far, BTW! Let me know if you put anything else up on YouTube, as I think my readers would like to know.


  8. Pingback: Tales from the Backlash: Blogging Women’s History Month edition : Historiann : History and sexual politics, 1492 to the present

  9. That stinks. I think I’m going to show the thing now in my American Rev. class, f-bombs and all. Assuming I can figure out how to work this part of our classroom-enabled “teaching stations,” which can be pretty cranky. Maybe I’ll use some virtual clickers (i.e. hands or paper) to take a poll on the methodology and the historiography. Our so-called “majors’ classes” are pretty male-o-centric (60+%) in this century, unlike our general ed. required course, which reflects the U. average of about 57% female. Maybe I’ll do a comparative test.


  10. I think we need to gather printouts of the male hatred of women on these blogs, and then show them to classes.
    I think men need to be banned from feminist blogs period.
    They’ve had centuries to do their own politics in their all male clubs long enough. I think talking to men is a waste of time from a feminist perspective. It is women who need to unite, organize and provide space for women in business and in scholarship to flourish. What’s wrong with a rapist/sexist free zone?

    Go back and read your Mary Daly? Where were the thousands of women in the academy who stood up for her and demonstrated outside Boston College when she was fired? Where was the outrage from the next generation?
    Where are the legions of women who are reading Sonia Johnson, and taking radical feminism seriously these days?
    Just where the heck is the anger, the toughness the take charge attitude? Why are we still trying to educate men?
    They are worthless wastes of time. Women! Women, wake up!!!


  11. Satsuma–there are a lot of men who comment here, and who add great things to the discussion of feminism and history. A lot of them comment under male names, but others have gender ambiguous handles.

    I don’t think men should be catered to, but I don’t think we can give up on them entirely. Some of us are related to them by choice as well as by accident.


  12. Pingback: Wednesday round-up: How-to edition : Historiann : History and sexual politics, 1492 to the present

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