Cake! Because Christmas.

Susan’s orange-scented fruitcake

Can you believe it? Susan actually sent me a cake! It’s her orange-scented fruitcake, and we are having a hard time keeping it whole until tomorrow.

Merry Christmas to those of you who keep the feast; to those of you who don’t, enjoy the short lines at the movies today! Although I am by faith a profane scoffer, I enjoy a little choral music at Christmas time, old-school style. 1441 style, that is: it helps me get in the mood to cook a turkey and toast some walnuts. Here’s the King’s College choir singing The Holly and the Ivy.

And to all a good night.

6 thoughts on “Cake! Because Christmas.

  1. Merry Christmas to all. Our celebration: a movie (no line for us, Internet tickets) and a restaurant. The Chinese restaurants are overflowing with no believers and other secs. May be Indian or Egyptian?

    We, and the wise lady, attended a formal dinner at King’s College participating in an “important” conference at the bridge over the Cam. Very bombastic small talk and arrogance was running above the expected floodline.

    Also, happy new year to all.


  2. Sorry, TR. That was when all my cake got eaten locally, so I wasn’t mailing it around. And it’s all the fault of H’ann’s discussion of baking & fruitcakes a few weeks ago.


  3. Well Historiann,

    I know you are busy, but will you be willing to give us tasting notes on Susan’s cake? Please? Pretty Please with sprinkles on top? It looks delicious!


Let me have it!

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