Wednesday doll blogging: walking, talking man-barbies!

That’s right–it’s Captain Scarlet again! Check out the computers that work like microfilm readers!  And Captain Scarlet, who looks and sounds exactly like Cary Grant (well, Grant ca. 1937 anyway)!  This episode is like a pop culture time capsule of the Cold War.  Don’t miss the Angels, the glam girl pilots–they appear (as usual) in the intro in part I here, and Symphony Angel swings into action in part II of this episode (at about 4:33).  This is actually an unusual episode in that Symphony is kidnapped–usually the Angels just fly their planes around and shoot people down or drop bombs strategically–more often than not, it’s they who save the day for Captain Scarlet and Captain Blue. It’s also unusual because poor Lieutenant Green, who’s always stuck behind that space-age desk, actually complains (finally!) about never being permitted off of the Spectrum cloud base.


The Angels, ca. 2068

The thing that always strikes me about TV shows from this era is how slooooowly they move. But, the puppets and animation in this show are oddly mesmerizing–maybe they’re better enjoyed at a slower pace so as to appreciate the intricacies of set design as well as the cool dolls.

0 thoughts on “Wednesday doll blogging: walking, talking man-barbies!

  1. What a bunch of delicious Man-Barbies! Colonel White is my fav (all that white hair, dontcha know!) He looks like James Brolin. The animation is great in this. I also agree that CG is the HMoAT. Be still my heart. As my mother would say, “I wouldn’t throw him out of bed for eating crackers!”


  2. Oh, wow, this is awesome! I like how they keep giving you clues to what’s going on (for example, “MANHUNT”).

    I feel sorry for Captain Blue and his mundane name — he couldn’t be Captain Cerulean or something?


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