Au revoir, les enfants de la patrie

I’m leaving the country–and rest assured, it has nothing to do with the election results!  I’m slipping over the border on a top-secret mission to a walled city in l’Amerique Septentrionale, and will return this weekend.  Play nice.  No gloating if your candidates won, and no whining if your candidates lost.  (Well, not too much, anyway.)  Nous sommes tous Americains Septentrionales!

0 thoughts on “Au revoir, les enfants de la patrie

  1. “Goin’ to Canada” the day after an election used to be a sign of almost-biblical significance and simplicity that something had gone disastrously wrong. How nice to do it after something went deliciously right. Have a good one, and bring us back a plate of cookies, Historiann!


  2. That’s some seriously serious “Walkin’ around Money,” as we call it in South Philly. Not Bowl Championship Series coach-level walkin’ around money, to be sure, but pretty good for the technocratic class. How does this severance deal correlate with the thought in the Post that the designated successor will need to understand the West’s “culture of frugality?” It’s funny how up to a certain level of institutional structure, leaving to “pursue other opportunities” is automatically seen to be a polite cover for an ouster. Above that, you’re supposed to think I guess the guy is sorting through some actual options. I guess we’ll hear more about this.


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