“Yes, morale has never been higher since we eliminated hope!” Hello, and keep away from President Lemongrab.

Who ever could have predicted that a President who campaigned against his own party’s leadership as well as the Democrats and with an approval rating circling the drain at 35-40% would have a hard time assembling a governing majority in congress? Who, indeed?  I just can’t figure out why Dear Leader’s catastrophic success of a presidency isn’t working out the way he promised his voters it would.

Meanwhile, back at Castle Lemongrab:


5 thoughts on ““Yes, morale has never been higher since we eliminated hope!” Hello, and keep away from President Lemongrab.

  1. The Speaker’s news conference was almost painful yesterday. Almost like the day he came in third for IFC president back at (in) Oxford. Perched on the shoulders of Trump, the two of them would be hard pressed to reenact that famous 1957 picture of LBJ leaning over his Senate colleague, Thomas Green. I hope Trump is right, though, about how many seats this debacle is going to cost his party in 2018.


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