15 thoughts on “We’re number one!

  1. Lovin’ this book already! Lew Walpole must be not-spinning in his grave. Is there any chance they would consider publishing this in French also, perhaps when it goes to paperback?

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  2. As General DeGaulle said in an American newspaper cartoon, when he was feuding with President Trudeau over some such thing, pointing with a pointer to a big militarized map of New France, and looking ominously over his shoulder at the Lower 48, “…. when Quebec falls….”

    It really should be in paperback, by the way, because it not only sticks the landing on the big argument part, but it is what a film critic would call “closely observed,” or “carefully observed,” on a lot of small points that add up. I’ve always liked that aspect in a book, and try to write that way, although I never had any idea of what film critics were talking about when they used it in a review.

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  3. Congrats!

    Apropos of nothing: One of the Amazon sub-categories of one of my books is “Asia” which has literally zero bearing on the book’s contents (it is a book on the Civil Rights Movement), and inevitably that is the sub-category where my ranking is always the highest. So: Yeay?

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