Who wants a free master’s degree?


Colorado State University

The History department at Colorado State University has extended our application deadline for our M.A. program to March 1. We offer our Master’s students  a G.T.A.-ship, which includes tuition AND  a modest stipend, so unless you’re accustomed to living high on the hog, you can earn  a Master’s degree in public history (with concentrations in historic preservation, museum studies, cultural resource management), environmental history, and U.S. Western History without paying a dime or taking out any loans.  Here’s a nice brochure that spells it all out.

Because the Public Lands History Center is such  a hive of grant-funded research and scholarship, you can probably have  a PAID internship in the summers as well!  Plus, you’d get to live in Colorado for few years, which ain’t all bad either.  (And I hear tell that Colorado needs all kinds of teachers these days, too.)

Check us out.  If you have questions, please contact our Grad Studies Chair Dr. Adrian Howkins, whose new book, The Polar Regions:  An Environmental History was published at the end of 2015.  I am also happy to answer any questions you might have too.

(Just in case, here’s some free advice for applying to our grad program, all based on my real-life experiences as Grad Studies Chair once upon a time!)

3 thoughts on “Who wants a free master’s degree?

  1. I wondered what effect the culture war would have on teaching. Now I see Colorado suffered as a result plus monetary issues are having a serious impact in the border regions. I think Colorado would be a nice place to live. I myself am not interested in K-12 education, but in teaching at the community college level. That’s an area that differs from state to state as to the impact of the culture wars.


    • I think the Great Recession had more of an effect on our production of K-12 teachers, but yes: go to war on a profession, accuse them of not knowing what the hell they’re doing, undermine their independence and professional judgment, force them to teach to a test and be evaluated on their students’ performance, and yes, MAGICALLY, we get fewer teachers!

      It’s almost as though that was the GOAL of the so-called reformers in the first place.

      If you’re interested in CC teaching in the humanities, it’s almost impossible to do this without a Ph,D. or equivalent degrees (MFA, for example) in the Denver Metro area, which is where most of the CCs are. The word is out that Colorado is a nice place to live, unfortunately, so the M.A. who got a job teaching at a CC is a thing of the past any more–too many underemployed Ph.D.s around even a smallish state like Colorado, I’m afraid.


      • I am almost finished with my Ed.D in Education-College Teaching and Learning, so the terminal degree part is settled. Plus I have three years of adjunct experience both online and ground teaching as well. The only real challenge now is getting my wife to agree to a possible move.
        I agree about the MA teaching at a CC. I have not seen the local CCs hire anyone who was not already an instructor for them or had a terminal degree as a FT instructor in the last three years.

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