9 thoughts on “Joe Scarborough is right

  1. Maybe the most pathetic iconographic element of this story is the picture on the front page of the New York Times yesterday (1/9) showing Obama meeting in the Oval Office on December 29 with “senior advisors.” The caption advises readers to “look very closely” for evidence that Valerie Jarrett is in fact in the space, by reference to her “leg… just visible in front of the desk.” I’m not sure that I’ve spotted it, but I think it’s right behind that guy in the blue shirt and worn tan corduroys, rubbing his nose. So not only is she in the back row, it looks like she IS the back row. My caption: “It’s approaching dusk in D.C., and the West Wing senior staff gets ready to wrap it so they can make it to the Quizzo contest at a bar on the Hill…”


  2. It is, indeed, discouraging. My best guess is that everybody’s a bit tired by the time a second term rolls around, and they sort of go with the default — and the default is still white men. I suppose it will change one day, but with just a bit more effort, that change could be hastened.


  3. So…why did Mitt Romney’s family take him to Ikea? To give him the experience of putting together a Cabinet.

    Happy Inauguration, everybody!


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