Bipartisanship rules!

Wasn’t it a heartwarming and remarkable display of bipartisan comity to see the House of Representatives united in their support for the idea that U.S. Congressmen and Congresswomen should not be shot in the face when meeting with constituents?  Awesome!  (H/t to Fratguy for this observation.)

Although I have nothing against her politics, I’m glad that Gabrielle (Gabby) Giffords finally resigned.  Her recovery appears to be remarkable so far, but it’s been apparent for months that she is not up to really serving her district in the way it deserves.  It’s monstrously unfair, and I still think her shooting and the deaths of so many others should be discussed in terms of a political assassination attempt, but still:  she can’t represent Tucson at this point in her life.

7 thoughts on “Bipartisanship rules!

  1. Personally, I am neither glad nor sad that Giffords resigned; it was her decision to make and ours, at least mine, to accept. This can expanded, but it seems enough for now.

    Our main problem is bipartisanship. On most bread and butter issues both parties get their matching orders from the 1%.


  2. Historiann, the bipartisan comity didn’t extend universally. Doug Lamborn (R, Colorado Springs) “boycotted” the event, not attending in person but instead participating in an online chat “forum” sponsored by a right-wing think tank and Fox “News.” For the record, I tried to participate also, but quickly learned that any comment questioning the agenda was (gasp) not posted! No mention made of Giffords.


  3. True, Paul–but as I understand it, Lamborn is facing a primary challenge this year and so is interested in appearing to be even more unreasonable than usual. And good luck with that!


  4. BWAhahahaha!

    I feel bad for you Paul, living in that media market and CD. I suppose the only way to cope is to pretend that this campaign season is produced for your amusement by Stewart and Colbert.


  5. p.s. I should add: it’s not like we’ve got it so good up here in the 4th CD. Since the Dems redistricted Fort Collins and much of Larimer into Polis’s district, we’re about the second-safest Republican seat, after your district. Cory Gardiner will likely be our Congressman for life, and/or until a U.S. Senate seat opens up.


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