Now they tell us!

Sorry about the blogsilence–I’m getting what’s known as “my job” done, offline!  More fun tomorrow, I promise, but in the meantime, here’s a headline that could have been written in 1998, or 1994, or 1980, or 1964:  “Extremists Are Taking Over GOP.”  Now he tells us! 

Since in our brilliant two-party system, we now have the choice between the crazzy party (Rs) and the stupid party (Ds), I’m not sure it matters.

6 thoughts on “Now they tell us!

  1. It does matter. Crazy cause catastrophes while stupid gives money to filthy rich banks. Crazy wants to go back to 1850 while stupid thinks that going back to 2005 is fine. Crazy has a branch of even crazier while stupid has a branch a branch that is more demanding but is even more stupid.

    I work with the stupid, I am used to the stupid, I know how to live with the stupid. Crazy scares me.


  2. Gosh. We didn’t have tv yet when that ad was shown but I remember the election – the first one I understood – I hadn’t understood what a President was when JFK was shot, although I remember the event. I remember the adults thinking they had to vote for Johnson because Goldwater was so crazy, and how betrayed they felt next.


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