Mad Men season 3 review coming soon…

Captain Black

. . . as they say in the trade mags:  watch this space!

I just have to make one observation:  for most of this season, especially in the last four episodes as Don’s deep, dark secrets are revealed to Betty and his marriage unravels, he bears an uncanny resemblance to Captain Black, the bad-guy Mysteron agent from the Captain Scarlet TV show.  For a handsome man, actor Jon Hamm has an extremely unfortunate  5-o’clock shadow problem.

0 thoughts on “Mad Men season 3 review coming soon…

  1. “For a handsome man, actor Jon Hamm has an extremely unfortunate 5-o’clock shadow problem.”

    Srsly? “Unfortunate?” “Problem?”

    I’m pretty sure you didn’t mean it that way but your phrasing sound as though you’re making a blanket judgment about a physical characteristic that individuals can’t control instead of an assertion of your own personal preferences. (Actually I guess men with heavy beards can control it by shaving multiple times a day, getting laser hair removal, wearing covering makeup, etc. but I doubt you’re endorsing that either.)

    There’s probably just a better way to say it. Like maybe stopping at “his 5-o’clock shadow bears an uncanny resemblance to Captain Black’s.”



  2. I forgot that he’s been on 30 Rock–he plays such a dope there. In the latest MM season, the 5-o’clock shadow is meant to enhance his fervid desperation to try to hold everything together. (So it’s not meant to make him sexier–but, chacun a son gout, right?)


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